Welcome to Veronica's Garden
2022 season is a wrap and is in the books. Thank you to all who helped bring that to fruition. We had a great group of HS interns this year, many of who stayed on through the summer with us until time to leave for college. Our staff
at the stand was terrific. We made it through the weather challenges (what a drought!) and learned more about adapting and modifying ways to capture much needed water for the plants. Are we done? No way. Once we get back from a well
earned time off, we need to get the garlic planted, fields cleaned up, complete the second new greeenhouse, take down an old greenhouse that got destroyed from last years storms and get up new number three to replace it. Much to do. Farmer
Bob is anxiously awaiting his holiday gifts, NEW SEED CATALOGS! He gets so excited to see all the new varieties that we can plant. Our 2023 CSA registration is NOW OPEN. Don't delay, it fills up fast. See the CSA tab for more
info. Happy Thanksgiving to all. Be sure to stop back here for more updates after the holiday.
Veronica's Garden is a sustainable farm located in Ridgefield Ct. Bob DiNucci has been farming this land for 24 years, starting it as a hobby and growing the land exponentially over the years. Tho we are not certified organic, we use no pesticides
or products containing any harmful chemicals, using only organic materials. Furthermore, we do not use any GMO seeds. We have a daily farm stand which generally opens late June (weather dependent) through end of October, 32 Danbury Road
(Rte 35), Ridgefield, located in front of Bobo's Cafe. We participate in 3 local Farmers Markets. Wednesday's we are at Wilton, Friday's at Rowayton and Sunday's in Georgetown. Additionally, we participate in the Lachat
Farmers Market in Weston which is held the last Friday of each month. We continue to offer Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs. Read more about it in the CSA tab. We also continue to partner with the town's social services program
in a three-year-old initiative called Dirty Hands, Full Plates. Through this initiative, we have provided hundreds of pounds of fresh, local producet each time the town has hosted a distribution to 15 families. Additionally,
we also partner with social services and The Salvation Army to extend coupon booklets for distribution for purchasing produce at no cost to the participants.
Veronica's Garden
Happy New Year and welcome to 2021! Plans are underway for 2 greenhouses this year - hoping to start early and extend our growing season with them. Seeds are being catalogued and ordered, old greenhouse is being repaired after
being torn up from a December storm, layouts of the beds are being finalized AND our CSA program is open for all to sign up. Do so by February 15 and get a free bonus week whenever you choose. All information is located on the CSA
tab. Don't forget our recipe tab - some great ones in there for all to use! Everyone stay well and stay tuned for more updates.
Well this has been quite a year! Starting early with planting due to our main business for all intents and purposes, shutting down due to Covid, our plants got an early start. Just when we thought all was safe, Mother Nature threw
us a monkey wrench, of course, in the form of a snowstorm and cold weather on Mother's Day in May. Not very nice MN! We rebounded from that, and then suffered from not enough rain. Recovered again after losing a lot of produce, replanted
and then got hit by severe rains and and then after that, the winds with Hurricane Isaias arriving. Now, we were faced again with a drought since there was no rain and no power to get water from our well for 6 days.
Onto September where we endured a very early slight frost, nipping a lot of our tomatoes in the bud...they and other produce weren't ripening fast enough on those cold nights, BUT, wait for it, yes, Indian Summer came along the next week and we were
back to humid, muggy nights which the plants love! Now, we are waiting for some much needed rain again and hoping to prolong our season well into the end of the month. Stay tuned! We still have some lovely produce, zucchini,
green beans, Acorn, Butternut, Delicata and Honey Nut Squashes, potatoes anbd so much more!
2020 Season June-Sept
Hello everyone! We are off and running with the farm stand, 4 farmers markets (Wilton on Wednesdays 12-5, Rowayton on Fridays 12-5, New Fairfield on Saturdays 9-1, and Georgetown on Sundays from 10-2) plus 2 CSAs. We even have
beautiful new logos painted on the stand! We are so excited to be back amidst such trying times. Our farm stand is open every day from 10-6, weather permitting. New produce is growing and being picked every day. Be sure to stop by to
check us out.
Season has begun! June 2020
We are so very excited to this year introduce our CSA program to the Lachat Town Farm members! Please read up all about it in the CSA section, and fill out your applications! Its time to buy seeds and Farmer Bob has been super busy
planning out this year's crops. Anyone have any requests we might be able to grow? Let us know. CSA applications are coming in and are so very helpful this time of year to make purchasing seeds, equipment and materials that much easier.
It all helps getting you great fresh vegetables this summer. Keep fingers crossed for good weather in 2020!
January 2020
We are so very excited to this year introduce our CSA program to the Lachat Town Farm members! Please read up all about it in the CSA section, and fill out your applications! Its time to buy seeds and Farmer Bob has been super busy
planning out this year's crops. Anyone have any requests we might be able to grow? Let us know. CSA applications are coming in and are so very helpful this time of year to make purchasing seeds, equipment and materials that much easier.
It all helps getting you great fresh vegetables this summer. Keep fingers crossed for good weather in 2020!
A gorgeous painting of one of our onions by one of our extremely talents customers!
Hard to believe summer is just about behind us and fall is on it's way. What a tough, difficult season this was for CT farmers. Very cold, freezing nights in late spring, leading to rain, way way too much rain this summer, followed by extreme
hot temperatures and Olympic deer issues just about did our farm in. We lost so much early on, beets, swiss chard, carrots, salad greens, then during the rain, the tomatoes splitting, the heirloom ones rotting on the vine from taking on too much water.
We perservered during it all, replanting where possible and things are coming up nicely now for the fall. Arugula, swiss chard, lettuces, fall/winter squashes are looking great! We have opened up the appllication for next year's CSA.
Please go to the application page to sign up. Thanks to everyone in our CSA for their patience during this season. Mother Nature prevailed over us this year!
September 2018
Hello everyone. It appears that Spring may FINALLY have arrived and we have left the snow/cold far behind us. We have been incredibly busy these past few months, purchasing new seeds, plant containers, equipment, planning out the
garden, fixing the broken fences and posts (thanks to the deer that managed to get herself caught inside and rammed into it to get out), etc. The grow room is very full with over 2000 tomato plants of many different varieies, basil, parsley, kale,
beans and more. Our onions, shallots, leeks and scallions just arrived and we are hoping to get them in the ground this week. Our current crop of kale that is in the greenhouse looks fabulous and is ready to go outside in the ground, hopefully
by week end. Now Mother Nature has to keep the temperature somewhat consistent and on the warm side for this to happen so keep your fingers crossed. We do have 1 more FULL share left in our CSA. If interested, please go to the CSA
section here, fill out the application and mail in with your check by May 10. Posted a few new pics of the kale/tomatoes. Check them out - back to you all in a few weeks with more updates and pics! In the meantime, enjoy
the grass growing, daffodils blooming and trees budding!
Spring 2018 Update -- 4/23/18
Happy New Year and welcome to Winter 2018! It's never too early to start working on this year's produce. The new seed catalogs have come in and Farmer Bob is once again in his glory, picking out new varieties for this year. Our
2018 CSA application process has begun. We are limited in the amount of shares we have available this year due to past members returning (THANK YOU!!). If you are interested, please go to the CSA page, read up on it, and if it is right for you,
fill out the application and return with your check. You will then get 17 weeks of the freshest produce you can get from late June - October. Don't delay! RHS Seniors! If you are interested in spring interning, let us know.
We had a great group of 4 last year - the more the merrier. Check out the pictures in the gallery.
2018 is here!
Cannot believe our 2017 CSA season has come and gone already. We have 11 days left until we close our Ridgefield Farm Stand for the season. BUT we still have so much wonderful produce left! This growing season was,
as most are, challenging. Late spring cold weather snaps pushed everything back a good 3 weeks making our growing season longer now in the Fall. That combined with the warm Fall weather we have been experiencing have produced a lot more tomatoes,
our fall greens, and of course our fall squashes. The corn we get from upstate is still going strong too. The picture here is of heirloom tomatoes just harvested on Monday - aren't they gorgeous? Keep tuned for more information
about our 2018 CSA and the new application. We will begin taking them as of Friday 10/20.
Happy New Year to all our friends, family and customers. Hard to believe but we are already in the process of planning out the new crops, locations and what seeds to buy. All the new catalogs have come in and Farmer Bob is just beside
himself with glee...highlighters in hand he sits down every night perusing the new varieties of vegetables as well as our old tried and true ones. Our CSA applications process is open for 2017. Don't delay and put off signing up.
We have a limited amount of shares available and many are already spoken for. Stay tuned for updates as we proceed with the planning stages.
Our CSA for 2017 season is open! There is a limited amount of half shares this year but our full share slots are wide open. Check this site for further information under "WHAT IS A CSA" Also just added some
great new photos from this season
September 2016 Update
Hello. Welcome to the 2016 season of Veronica's Garden. We are so excited to be opening our stands again this year both in Ridgefield and Danbury, CT. Anticipated opening date is Saturday June 25. Of course Mother Nature
will have to confirm that but hopefully the warm weather we are experiencing this week (5/23/16) will encourage those plants to grow grow grow! We put up a brand new greenhouse this year and it's spectacular. Have lots of basil, onions, leeks,
tomatoes, green beans already growing in there. Bob is busy getting everything else out in the fields from the grow rooms and it's looking terrific. Stay tuned for further updates as to date. And check out the new photos.
Hello. Welcome to the 2016 season of Veronica's Garden. We are so excited to be opening our stands again this year both in Ridgefield and Danbury, CT. Anticipated opening date is Saturday June 25. Of course Mother Nature
will have to confirm that but hopefully the warm weather we are experiencing this week (5/23/16) will encourage those plants to grow grow grow! We put up a brand new greenhouse this year and it's spectacular. Have lots of basil, onions, leeks,
tomatoes, green beans already growing in there. Bob is busy getting everything else out in the fields from the grow rooms and it's looking terrific. Stay tuned for further updates as to date. And check out the new photos.
Nov. 10, 2015
Thank you so much to all our wonderful loyal customers and so many new ones we met this summer at our stands and Farmers Market, as well as to our terrific 2015 CSA members. The season started off slow, with very cold, wet weather in May and June but quickly progressed. Our bounty was a good one this year..lots of hard work went into it but it all paid off. Tomatoes were outstanding as were the rest of the veggies, beans, potatoes, onions and so on.
We could not do it without support of our great customers and staff..so THANK YOU AGAIN and looking forward to a productive 2016 season.